Thursday, April 3, 2014

Preparing for Tornado Season

By: Kayla Hackett


Spring has finally begun, which also means, Tornado Season is underway. With many Southern states, including Alabama, in a hot spot for tornadoes, it's important that people stay informed on what they should do during a tornado. A tornado can happen at any given time, if the conditions are right, and they can happen in any state, during any given month. Typically, tornadoes form around the "tornado ally" area, but at least one tornado has occurred in all 50 states. 

Map of common tornado states.
When a tornado watch is issued, that means the weather conditions are right, and a tornado could form. A tornado warning is when a tornado is on the ground and in your area. Knowing the difference can save your life, and keeping up with the weather on a AM/FM radio transmitter, is the best way to stay informed.

There are several ways people can stay safe in the event of a tornado. If you're at home, or in any interior building, your best bet is going to be a room on the lowest floor, with no windows. Also, bathrooms and closets are safe, just beware of shelves, and objects that can fall. If in a car, seek the nearest shelter, if there isn't any, find a low lying ditch and lay flat. DO NOT park under a bridge/overpass, as that is even more dangerous. Also, DO NOT remain in a mobile home, they are said to be more dangerous than finding a ditch. There are many ways to keep yourself safe, just be aware, and follow these tips. Also, you can find more important weather information at the National Weather Website, as well as the Weather Channel's site.
Tornado Graphic

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