Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Haunting in the Vallo

Story By: Matthew Harchuck

We've all heard different stories of the supernatural occurring, from tales by the camp fire, to famous films such as "Halloween," and "Ghostbusters." But its a little different when you constantly go to a place that is no stranger to some close encounters.

The University of Montevallo has it share of ghost roaming the grounds but the most feared and known about are that of; Main Residence Hall, King House, and Reynolds Hall, and many others. All which hold their own in the ghost story area.

Hearing the stories is one thing, which all can be read about here, but actually sitting down with someone who has experienced these tales is a different thing. I got the chance to sit down with two people who actually had encounters with some of the ghost.
Kendra Lawley

Kendra Lawley had a experience with the ghost in Hanson Hall. While in the building Kendra wasn't feeling so well. While in the bathroom Kendra says she felt something rubbing her back, "I feel a hand on my back, like a legit hand on my back patting me."

Savanna Gunn had witnessed a strange event in Palmer Auditorium. While working in the auditorium one night, Savanna seen something that decided a winner between the purple and gold sides that year. "And it looked like a hand reached up in the tarp and ran its fingers along the entire length of the gold side and gold actually one that year."

To hear the other stories that haunt the ground on the University of Montevallo just click here

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