Thursday, December 3, 2015

Beyond the Recycle Bin

                                                 Story by: Zach Ivey                                       
Recycling, the act of converting waste into reusable material. It has been a blessing as well as a curse throughout the United States and other countries for decades. Most people 

believe in the cause, but are not given the sources to actually be a part of the process, or either they do not want to do the work involved in recycling. In the past 10-12 years, C & D (Construction and Demolition) companies
Evolutia-Made recycling plant warehouse in Birmingham, AL

have found that there are a lot of materials left over after the destruction of a building structure. Instead of paying to have the

materials moved to a land fill where they will sit and expire for years, some have found
that there lies reusable resources in the piles of scrap wood, stone, and metal.

So what could you create out of an old, torn down, wooden building? Alan Klinner, the part-owner of Evolutia-Made, a recycling plant located in Birmingham,AL, explained how
Evolutia's inventory amounts to endless possibilities

their plant takes this lumber; which has been weathered for a long period of time.This,

he said, gives the wood a more characteristic
appearance. They remove the weathered layers of 

this strong hardwood and turn them into walling and flooring that is reusable for homes and other

establishments. Evolutia has been up and running with the initiative of owner Robert Klinner and his sons for around 12-13 years. The warehouse is the home for a library of reusable items majoring 
A table crafted from recycled wood
(one of Evolutia's many pieces)

in lumber from all over. They not only recycle usable materials for buildings, but Evolutia also uses their inventory to create beautiful furniture for homes, offices, etc...According to Robert, Evolutia has no way to go,

but up. He hopes to expand the company and merge into different business markets such as stores and showrooms
for Evolutia-Made furniture and other products.This goes

to show that recycling can go further than saving up tin cans and plastic bottles, and it continues to evolve into quite a major market for companies and entrepreneurs alike.

Want to know more about Evolutia? click here...
Want to know how you can do your part in recycling? click here...

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