Students and faculty received either a text or call Tuesday evening warning them about severe weather and that the University would be closed.
With the threat of tornados and possible hail most people stayed in doors and feared for the worse but when everyone one woke that was not actually the case in Montevallo, Alabama.

If you looked up you could see the sun peaking through the clouds and what you could actually call a nice day. The birds were chirping the sun was shining you couldn't even tell that not only 15 minutes ago there might have been severe weather anywhere near Montevallo.
Although the weather was calm now Orr Park which is only a block or two away from the University was a different story.
The creek which was normally shallow and clear was muddy an
d fill to capacity. The creek was swallowing up trees that would normally look large beside the water but now look like small bushes.
The aftermath of the storm left trash and garbage across the waterway and around the park. From water bottles to plastic bag to cigarettes and all types of garbage could be found close to the creek.
Although things are looking good on the University there is still much work to be done in Orr Park to keep the waterway clean and safe for wildlife and humans to swim in.
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