For most, getting ready for college is an exciting
experience. Students begin to count down the days until they can leave the nest
and discover them selves. But for one student, Verdell Davis, getting away isn’t
at the top of his list.

Verdell started school at the end of August and by this time
he was definitely in a rush to leave home. Living in a medium room with his
family of five and having to share a room with his two sisters was reason
enough for Verdell to branch away from his family.
So he found his refuge at UAB’s campus. Verdell attends
classes from about nine to four every day. Afterwards, he either hangs out with
his friends, study, or go work out at the gym. The most peaceful place for
Verdell though is the Greens.

And although, home isn’t how it use to be; things have began
to settle down with Verdell and his family. It’s never easy starting over.
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